Wednesday, May 1, 2013

1st Per. Th, 5/2 - 7th Per. Fri. 5/3

1. Finish "Civil Liberties" Presentation - VIEW HERE (If this does not work go to step 2
2. 6 Minutes review docs and note for Chapter 20.
3. Take and correct quiz. (When you get your quiz back remember argue with me in writing about answers, or mistakes, you think you can justify)
4. Use your cell phone (or borrow a friends) to take "The World's Shortest Political Quiz"  
   On a piece of paper write down the results including a sketch of the chart. Do you think the results of this quiz accurately describe your political world view? Write a paragraph describing your answer and turn it into the box.

5. In bold letters on a 1/4 sheet of paper write a "Statement of affirmation about the issue you are researching and put it where you think it belongs on the bulletin board with the political spectrum. ()Put your name in the lower right corner of the paper.)


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