Tuesday, June 11, 2013



  • Federal Reserve and Money Creation
  • Be able to identify and explain examples of the "Broken Window Fallacy"
  • Material from Ch 16 "Financing the Government" Packet and presentation.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


You have read and studied A chapter of your choice in "Economics In One Lesson". In your notebook write a description of how the topic of your chapter illustrates the "Broken Window Fallacy". Include the potential "Unseen" things including the forgotten man.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Broken WIndow of Taxes

Public Works Mean Taxes Taxes Discourage Production

Tuesday, May 28, 2013



Work with your table group of at least 3 people. Each person will choose a different chapter of Economics in One Lesson (One we have not already completed) and complete the study guide for that chapter. You will need to access both the book and the study guide from this blog.

Period 1 - Due Thurs. 6/6
Period 7 - Due Fri. 6/7

Week of May 27th

Tuesday/Wednesday - Finish up presentations and start Fiscal Policy

HOMEWORK - Complete study guide questions for chapters 4 and 5 of Economics in One Lesson-
Period 1 - Due Thursday 5/30     Period 76 - Due Friday 5/31

Thursday/Friday - The Broken Window of Taxation - Continue Fiscal Policy

HOMEWORK - Complete study guide questions for chapter 22 (The Mirage of Inflation) of Economics in One Lesson-
Period 1 - Due Mon 6/3     Period 7 - Due Tues 6/4

Monday, May 13, 2013


1st Period - MC questions on Google Doc & Prepare for seminar on "THE LAW"
7th Period - Prepare for courthouse field trip & Jury Nullification

1st Period - Seminar on "THE LAW" & begin "Money"

7th Period - Court House Field Trip & begin "Money" if time

 Money and the Fed

Thursday, May 9, 2013



What Is Money
     What is money and what are it's major attributes?

The Blue Pill or the Red Pill
How is Money Created
     How is money created?
     Does an increase in money mean an increase in weath? Explain
The Fed and Money Creation
What is the Federal Reserve?
What is the difference between you writing a check and the Federal Reserve writing a check?
What is the effect on the savings of average people when banks or the FED create money?


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Blessing of Destruction

Blessings on Destruction: Seminar

Primary Question
Does war always mean the destruction of Wealth?      

Secondary Questions
Why does war almost always result in inflation?                                                                              
If Hazlitt is right, who does benefit from war and who is the “Forgotten Man”                          
How could this same argument apply to the damage caused by a hurricane?
Your Questions?

Monday, May 6, 2013


Read chapter 3 and 4 in "Economics In One Lesson" and watch the video below to answer the questions in the "Broken Window & Destruction study guide. (Resources available to the right) Be ready for mini seminar.


     1. Thesis and Outline due for Civil Liberties Project.
     2. Courthouse visit (Redux)
     3. Intro to  "The Broken Window Fallacy"

           1. Court House Field Trip Logistics
           2.  Civil Liberties Project Research

          1. Mini Seminar: "The Broken Window Fallacy" and  "The Blessings of Destruction."
          2. Presentation and Essay Rubrics explained.
          3. Intro Period 1 "The Law" / Period 7 Courts and "Jury                    Nullification"
          4. Begin "Money and The FED" if time.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

1st Per. Th, 5/2 - 7th Per. Fri. 5/3

1. Finish "Civil Liberties" Presentation - VIEW HERE (If this does not work go to step 2
2. 6 Minutes review docs and note for Chapter 20.
3. Take and correct quiz. (When you get your quiz back remember argue with me in writing about answers, or mistakes, you think you can justify)
4. Use your cell phone (or borrow a friends) to take "The World's Shortest Political Quiz"  
   On a piece of paper write down the results including a sketch of the chart. Do you think the results of this quiz accurately describe your political world view? Write a paragraph describing your answer and turn it into the box.

5. In bold letters on a 1/4 sheet of paper write a "Statement of affirmation about the issue you are researching and put it where you think it belongs on the bulletin board with the political spectrum. ()Put your name in the lower right corner of the paper.)


Monday, April 29, 2013

Civil Liberties Project

Identify and describe a political issue that you care about and would like to research.

Write a statement of affirmation about this issue in bold letters on a half sheet of paper and put it where you think it belongs on the political spectrum.


Possible Tools For Your Presentation

Google Docs Research Tool (For Bibliography Citations and Images)

VoiceThread (Presentation and Collaboration Tool)
PRESI (Interesting Alternative to PowerPoint)

Jing (For capturing video and images on a computer)

Sceencast-O-Matic (Record your computer screen)

Poll Everywhere (Add audience participation)

Agenda 4/29 - 5/3

4/29 - Intro to Civil Liberties Research Project & Tools

4/30-5/1 - Meet in Room - Research in Computer Lab

5/2-5/3 - (Finish CL Presentation,) Civil Liberties Quiz. Political Spectrum and CL Issues

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Civil liberties / Bill of Rights Project Topic

This Monday, April 29th you need to have two ideas for topics you would like to explore in a research project that has to do with a particular civil liberty guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. Research will start during the next class period. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Seminar Prep: THE LAW - PERIOD 7 ONLY

Read the first 9 pages of "The Law" (Provided in a handout) and answer the questions on the study guide which is on the back of the cover page. Highlight and write margin notes as you read, making connections to your life and asking questions of Bastiat. Be ready for a seminar on Wednesday, the 24th of April.

Entire text of "The Law" is available in the "Readings, handouts, and presentations" on the right of the blog.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Oregon Judicial System / Jury Nullification Homework


This homework has Two steps.
Step 1 - Read the handout "The Oregon Court System". Be sure you understand the words that are underlined. As you read be thinking about questions that the text makes you think of. Write down at least 4 questions that come to mind.

Step 2 - Read the article "JURY NULLIFICATION: Why You Should Know About it." Review the text to find information that could be related to "Jury Nullification; Why You Should Know About It."  Review the handout "The Oregon Court System" and identify information in it that relate to jury nullification and write down how they relate. (I have given you a start by underlining a few short sections that relate.)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Read the handout on the supreme court decision Kelo V. New London and answer the questions. You will need to do some research to  answer the questions completely. There are some web site provided and there are live links on the digital document provided on the right.

1st Per. Due Thursday 4/18
7th Per. Due Friday 4/19

Monday, April 15, 2013

Quick Write & Free Speech Assessment

In your opinion what, if anything, should  limit of a persons freedom of speech? Give an example that pushes the boundary of your criteria, and one that exceeds and would be punishable by law.

You will be receiving an article this period about "Hate Speech".

Your job will be to compare your opinion to that of the author's and respond to his argument.

Your original paragraph and  response will be count as an assessment 

Period 1 - Due Tues. 4/16 
Period 2 - Due Wed. 4/17

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Letter From Birmingham Jail Seminar

Opening Question(s):
Do you agree with MLK that “One has the moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws?”

What makes a law just, or unjust, according to Martin Luther King Jr.?
Are there laws (other than segregation laws) you think are unjust?
Would you disobey laws and suffer the consequences as MLK did in order to make a moral stand? If so, what law(s) would you protest?

Monday, April 8, 2013

Homework and ... for 4/10-11

Read "Letter From Birmingham Jail". Answer questions and be ready to discuss in a seminar on...
(1st Period -Wednesday, April 10th)
(7th Period -Thursday, April 11th))


Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Bill of Rights Today

Decide which of the articles from your "Bill of Rights Today" homework effects your life the most, or you think is most important. In your notebook describe why this is so.

Once your group is done take turns in your group sharing what you wrote. Others in your group are to listen and ask questions in order to understand why the issue effects your life or is important to you.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Homework: Bill of Rights Today

Complete all four sections the Bill of Rights Today worksheet. Choose topics of interest, you may be using one in the near future as the basis for a research project.
1st Period (Due Thursday, April 4th)
7th Period (Due Friday, April 5th)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Constitution: Limits to Government Power?

Due Monday, March 18th.
You will turn in a hard copy during class.

Find a newspaper editorial or letter to the editor in which the writer claims that a branch of government has exceeded its power under the Constitution. Consult the Constitution
and write one paragraph explaining the issue and whether you believe the author of the editorial/letter is correct.

Period 7 - Write a couple sentences describing how the article relates to one of the 6 principles that the constitution is based on.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Constitutional Principles In The News

Period 1 Due Thurs. March 14th
Period 7 Due Mon. March 18th

Find a news story reflecting a constitutional principle and write one paragraph analyzing how it relates to that principle and, specifically, Articles I-VII of the Constitution. You can find an article in the "Teaching with Current Events: section  at www.BillofRightsInstitute.org or find one on your own.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Classification of Gov. by Who Can Participate

Work in your table group to put the following terms in what you think is a logical order. 
    Socialism, Republic, Nazism, Democracy, Communism, 
               Fascism,  Monarchy, Dictatorship, Anarchy

Describe Your criteria for making your decision 

In your notebook write a paragraph that describes your agreement, or disagreement with the thesis of this presentation. You can choose the overall thesis or the ideas about a particular term in the list above.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

DOI and Slavery

Write the answer to the question  at the end of the reading in your notebook and be ready to discuss on Monday, March 4th.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

D.O.I. Continued

Re-read the D.O.I. and answer the questions on page 8 of your hand out. Be ready to discuss the question "What would it take now for people to react in the same way toward the current U.S. Government as the colonists did to the British in 1776?"

DUE Thurs. the 28th / Fri. the 29th.

Declaration Of Independence

The Declaration of Independence was written more to be listened to than read. What did you learn, and/or how did your attitude change about the declaration after listening to this rendering? Write this ion tour notebook.

Unalienable Rights

After discussing the fist two questions on page eight of your handout work with your table group to make a list of specific rights that you think are "Unalienable"  

Unalienable:  incapable of being repudiated or transferred to another; Endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Assessment: What is the ideal form of Government

Write the following using a Google Doc. Put it in the folder you have shared with me.

You are president of the United States. Which TWO of the panel members would you invite to be your chief political advisor? Why?

The following are the minimum requirements for your response.
  • ·         A paragraph introducing the reasons for your choices
  • ·         2 body paragraphs, each detailing your reasons
    • o   Each paragraph will contain a relevant quote from the person, description of something they did, and your analysis, reasons, for choosing the person.
  • ·         A concluding paragraph that includes a distilled recap of your reasons and something  that leaves the reader wanting to know more about the two thinkers.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Basic Rules of "Society"

List at least three types of rules you would want to establish if you were stranded on a desert island with the members of this class. Prioritize the 1, 2 and 3.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Machiavelli: The Prince

The answers to the questions below should be in your notebook.

What is Machiavelli's view of human nature and how does that shape his view of what a leader should be like?

Would his kind of leader help create a good society?

How many times did you...?
Contribute to the discussion?
Cite The Text?
Ask someone a question?

What would I do differently next time to make a better seminar?

Purpose of Government: Reflection

Briefly summarize the central positions of both David Callahan (Big Government Guy) and Yaron Brook (Small Government Guy).

Which particular arguments did you find most persuasive? Why?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Debate: What is the Proper Role of Government?

Take notes in your notebook. For each segment write down major points the debater makes and a couple supporting details. We will be stopping after each segment for discussion.                               If you are watching these from home search for the title on Youtube, the wrong videos will show up if you click on the images below.                              

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Post "Quote Discussion" writing

In your notebook describe two things you learned from your discussion partners today.

“An Uneducated Electorate Promotes Democracy's Demise”

Reason,  Logic, clarity, dissent, civility, debate -  civil liberties

Feb 5/6 Quick Write

Write the following in your notebook.
What is the "Cartoonist" trying to communicate in the "Cartoon" below? Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Before we get to the ins and outs of Government, and even before we get to the purpose of government we need to be able to define government. This may sound simple but give it a try. You can look to dictionaries but the definitions are not very satisfying.

What IS Government? What makes it different than any other organization of people?

Answer these questions in a  comment below with your name at the top. Write a comment on other people's  definitions.

Share Google Folder - Due Fri, February 8th
Download and sign (you and your parents) Academic Integrity Pledge - Due Fri, February 8th.