Monday, April 29, 2013

Civil Liberties Project

Identify and describe a political issue that you care about and would like to research.

Write a statement of affirmation about this issue in bold letters on a half sheet of paper and put it where you think it belongs on the political spectrum.


Possible Tools For Your Presentation

Google Docs Research Tool (For Bibliography Citations and Images)

VoiceThread (Presentation and Collaboration Tool)
PRESI (Interesting Alternative to PowerPoint)

Jing (For capturing video and images on a computer)

Sceencast-O-Matic (Record your computer screen)

Poll Everywhere (Add audience participation)

Agenda 4/29 - 5/3

4/29 - Intro to Civil Liberties Research Project & Tools

4/30-5/1 - Meet in Room - Research in Computer Lab

5/2-5/3 - (Finish CL Presentation,) Civil Liberties Quiz. Political Spectrum and CL Issues

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Civil liberties / Bill of Rights Project Topic

This Monday, April 29th you need to have two ideas for topics you would like to explore in a research project that has to do with a particular civil liberty guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. Research will start during the next class period. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Seminar Prep: THE LAW - PERIOD 7 ONLY

Read the first 9 pages of "The Law" (Provided in a handout) and answer the questions on the study guide which is on the back of the cover page. Highlight and write margin notes as you read, making connections to your life and asking questions of Bastiat. Be ready for a seminar on Wednesday, the 24th of April.

Entire text of "The Law" is available in the "Readings, handouts, and presentations" on the right of the blog.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Oregon Judicial System / Jury Nullification Homework


This homework has Two steps.
Step 1 - Read the handout "The Oregon Court System". Be sure you understand the words that are underlined. As you read be thinking about questions that the text makes you think of. Write down at least 4 questions that come to mind.

Step 2 - Read the article "JURY NULLIFICATION: Why You Should Know About it." Review the text to find information that could be related to "Jury Nullification; Why You Should Know About It."  Review the handout "The Oregon Court System" and identify information in it that relate to jury nullification and write down how they relate. (I have given you a start by underlining a few short sections that relate.)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Read the handout on the supreme court decision Kelo V. New London and answer the questions. You will need to do some research to  answer the questions completely. There are some web site provided and there are live links on the digital document provided on the right.

1st Per. Due Thursday 4/18
7th Per. Due Friday 4/19

Monday, April 15, 2013

Quick Write & Free Speech Assessment

In your opinion what, if anything, should  limit of a persons freedom of speech? Give an example that pushes the boundary of your criteria, and one that exceeds and would be punishable by law.

You will be receiving an article this period about "Hate Speech".

Your job will be to compare your opinion to that of the author's and respond to his argument.

Your original paragraph and  response will be count as an assessment 

Period 1 - Due Tues. 4/16 
Period 2 - Due Wed. 4/17

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Letter From Birmingham Jail Seminar

Opening Question(s):
Do you agree with MLK that “One has the moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws?”

What makes a law just, or unjust, according to Martin Luther King Jr.?
Are there laws (other than segregation laws) you think are unjust?
Would you disobey laws and suffer the consequences as MLK did in order to make a moral stand? If so, what law(s) would you protest?

Monday, April 8, 2013

Homework and ... for 4/10-11

Read "Letter From Birmingham Jail". Answer questions and be ready to discuss in a seminar on...
(1st Period -Wednesday, April 10th)
(7th Period -Thursday, April 11th))


Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Bill of Rights Today

Decide which of the articles from your "Bill of Rights Today" homework effects your life the most, or you think is most important. In your notebook describe why this is so.

Once your group is done take turns in your group sharing what you wrote. Others in your group are to listen and ask questions in order to understand why the issue effects your life or is important to you.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Homework: Bill of Rights Today

Complete all four sections the Bill of Rights Today worksheet. Choose topics of interest, you may be using one in the near future as the basis for a research project.
1st Period (Due Thursday, April 4th)
7th Period (Due Friday, April 5th)