Thursday, March 14, 2013

Constitution: Limits to Government Power?

Due Monday, March 18th.
You will turn in a hard copy during class.

Find a newspaper editorial or letter to the editor in which the writer claims that a branch of government has exceeded its power under the Constitution. Consult the Constitution
and write one paragraph explaining the issue and whether you believe the author of the editorial/letter is correct.

Period 7 - Write a couple sentences describing how the article relates to one of the 6 principles that the constitution is based on.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Constitutional Principles In The News

Period 1 Due Thurs. March 14th
Period 7 Due Mon. March 18th

Find a news story reflecting a constitutional principle and write one paragraph analyzing how it relates to that principle and, specifically, Articles I-VII of the Constitution. You can find an article in the "Teaching with Current Events: section  at or find one on your own.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Classification of Gov. by Who Can Participate

Work in your table group to put the following terms in what you think is a logical order. 
    Socialism, Republic, Nazism, Democracy, Communism, 
               Fascism,  Monarchy, Dictatorship, Anarchy

Describe Your criteria for making your decision 

In your notebook write a paragraph that describes your agreement, or disagreement with the thesis of this presentation. You can choose the overall thesis or the ideas about a particular term in the list above.