Thursday, February 28, 2013

DOI and Slavery

Write the answer to the question  at the end of the reading in your notebook and be ready to discuss on Monday, March 4th.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

D.O.I. Continued

Re-read the D.O.I. and answer the questions on page 8 of your hand out. Be ready to discuss the question "What would it take now for people to react in the same way toward the current U.S. Government as the colonists did to the British in 1776?"

DUE Thurs. the 28th / Fri. the 29th.

Declaration Of Independence

The Declaration of Independence was written more to be listened to than read. What did you learn, and/or how did your attitude change about the declaration after listening to this rendering? Write this ion tour notebook.

Unalienable Rights

After discussing the fist two questions on page eight of your handout work with your table group to make a list of specific rights that you think are "Unalienable"  

Unalienable:  incapable of being repudiated or transferred to another; Endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Assessment: What is the ideal form of Government

Write the following using a Google Doc. Put it in the folder you have shared with me.

You are president of the United States. Which TWO of the panel members would you invite to be your chief political advisor? Why?

The following are the minimum requirements for your response.
  • ·         A paragraph introducing the reasons for your choices
  • ·         2 body paragraphs, each detailing your reasons
    • o   Each paragraph will contain a relevant quote from the person, description of something they did, and your analysis, reasons, for choosing the person.
  • ·         A concluding paragraph that includes a distilled recap of your reasons and something  that leaves the reader wanting to know more about the two thinkers.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Basic Rules of "Society"

List at least three types of rules you would want to establish if you were stranded on a desert island with the members of this class. Prioritize the 1, 2 and 3.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Machiavelli: The Prince

The answers to the questions below should be in your notebook.

What is Machiavelli's view of human nature and how does that shape his view of what a leader should be like?

Would his kind of leader help create a good society?

How many times did you...?
Contribute to the discussion?
Cite The Text?
Ask someone a question?

What would I do differently next time to make a better seminar?

Purpose of Government: Reflection

Briefly summarize the central positions of both David Callahan (Big Government Guy) and Yaron Brook (Small Government Guy).

Which particular arguments did you find most persuasive? Why?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Debate: What is the Proper Role of Government?

Take notes in your notebook. For each segment write down major points the debater makes and a couple supporting details. We will be stopping after each segment for discussion.                               If you are watching these from home search for the title on Youtube, the wrong videos will show up if you click on the images below.                              

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Post "Quote Discussion" writing

In your notebook describe two things you learned from your discussion partners today.

“An Uneducated Electorate Promotes Democracy's Demise”

Reason,  Logic, clarity, dissent, civility, debate -  civil liberties

Feb 5/6 Quick Write

Write the following in your notebook.
What is the "Cartoonist" trying to communicate in the "Cartoon" below? Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?